The Tyria Chronicles
The “Back” of the Book Was there no happiness in the so-called “lives”
of the three Holondite children? It was so when their already unhappy lives turn to pure cheerlessness as they’re forced
to live in the newly made city Tyria. The city featured strange and ancient-like structures and symbols; strange people, a
psychopath councilor and his even more mad assistant. But this is just an adjustment, there’s really nothing wrong here…
or is there actually a strong mystery hiding behind overly excited people, an insane councilor and his wacky assistant…
It’s all waiting for James, Jillian, and Jacob to figure out as the quest begins: When they find the chronicles of Tyria…
Chapter 1 The day was dark, and so was the hearts of the three
Holondite children. James, a genius eleven-year-old figured out what was happening the second he walked through the door of
the Holondite mansion. Jillian, the thirteen year old could understand what was happening as she also stepped through the
large door with her brothers. And the youngest, Jacob, even as a four year old could try to assume what was happening. Their
house screamed devastation and wreck. It was at the first thirty-two seconds of staring, the first tear of the Holondite children
fell, Jacob being the source. The tear hit the ground with an alarming drop that shook the other two children due to the silence
the house created. Not a single child spoke, the thought of coming home from the most wonderful day shopping with friends
could turn into such an atrocious day, just because of their once-beautiful house. James took the first step. His eyes spun
around to all the once together furniture. The next child to step into the house was Jillian. She took off her hat, still
staring at the wreckage in amazement. Jillian turned to Jacob who was still standing at the door crying in silence. “It’s
ok Jacob.” She said, “Grab my hand, we have to look for our parents to make sure they’re ok.” But
before she got to the second sentence of her reassuring command to Jacob, James had already begun yelling, “Mom? Dad?”
Nothing but silence came back. There was sudden creak coming from afar into the house. A cracking sound followed it; the eerie
sounds shook the three youngsters so much, even considering how much a simple teardrop could put them into a scared position.
The creaking stopped, and then a large thump followed it as a bed following the remains of Mister and Misses Holondite. The
screams of the three children echoed through the large house, and it was scarcely after that, all three of the Holondite ran
out of breath onto the tile floor, into a deep slumber.
is a time for every person's life to pass away into a pleasant suprise, just waiting for you in the sky. They say that at
the end of the tunnel, there is milk and honey; prosper and joyfulness will spread around you as you take yourself along a
beautiful rode to the gates of Heaven. But for some people, they don't follow a beautiful rode. They don't sing happiness
and aren't drifted to a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel. Some people fall down into a firey pit where a monster is
free to crumble your soul as he wishes. Which choice would someone make is not the question. The true question is, what path
is right for someone like Mr. Richard Morrison. This story is a cruel one. It is able to twist your soul like the demon
Richard may encounter. Or, it might lift your soul. Inspire you, create a beautiful symphony of prosper and happiness. In
this story, Richard makes a wonderful turn.
CHAPTER 1 Richard licked is finger and turned the page of is monthly 'YEHAW' magazine.
It wasn't his favorite magazine, but it sure was a time killer. It featured all of his favorite staffs, swords, and shields.
He could stare at the amazing architecture of the beautiful, hand-crafted swords. The blades being formed perfectly, into
a spectacular form of a dream in it's reflection. Just simply being faught by a wonderous knight. Or a skilled samuri fighting
against his opponent. His mom suddenly cut into his day dreaming, "Richy, are you ready for school?" Richard, of course embarrased
that his mom would talk to him like a 13-year old responded "Yes mom. And I am not 13 anymore. I am 18. And 18 I shall be
for a while." "Don't talk to me like that young man. Get dressed and get in the car." His mom scolded. Richard pulled
himself up out of his warm bed. He put his hand to his red cheeks, hoping to consume the warm left of his comfortable bed.
He turned to his magazine, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his sock drawer. "Hurry up, you're going to be late!"
Richard heard his mom yell from the kitchen. "Alright mom, go ahead and start the car, I'll be there in a minute." Richard
yelled. "Sorry sweetie, I am late for a meeting, you have to walk to school today." His mom said, the noise seemed closer.
Richard stared at himself at the mirror; hoping that what he had heard wasn't true. He never liked walking to school, it was
too much of a hastle. Richard didn't say a word walking out of his room to the stretched hallway. He continued out the door,
into the wonderous world he rarely sees. Richard took long steps, not paying attention. The sun burned Richard's eyes.
To his left, he saw Mr. Cordadillo's minivan. Mr. Cordadillo was a strange man, he stayed secret. He was never seen. But somehow,
he manages to live. To Richard's right, he spotted a flock of birds, travelling in groups, the manage to go where the one
before them goes... To civilization. But Richard knew he wasn't going to anywhere such as the place the bird's civilzation.
He could imagine, flying through the clouds, possibly seeing the gates of Heaven. Richard opened his eyes, to view once again
the blinding sun which seemed to like to push full force on him. Richard, who was tired of walking within 10 minutes he stepped
out the golden door of his house, wasn't ready to go to the child penatentry that adult's called "school." He was ready though.
His backpack on his back, his books on his right arm, and his 'Yehaw' magazine in his left. He was prepared and set for the
voyage to this horrid place... Where teachers could twist and minipulate children's souls, luckily, he wasn't there for an
eterinity. But life doesn't pass as quickly as you may think...
CHAPTER 2 A loud bell rang into Richard's ear. It was the sign of death. This atrocious
bell became the worst in grade 9 when Richard first went to highschool. His poor, skinny, and tired body always drooped. Until
the situation somebody like Tommy Falumni would come. Tommy wasn't your average bully. In some cases, he was concidered a
devilish fiend. Unlike many other bullies, pushing kids around for lunch money, or beating them senceless... Tommy was more
of a "I am going to kill you person." Unfortunately, Tommy isn't the worst of what's ahead for poor Richard... Richard
had a casual day once again. Not planning ahead. He got mugged by Tommy Falumni, ran the track for physical ed, ate his lunch
seperate from the rest of the kids, and walked home silently. Richard stopped at the dark pavement, his sences go wild sometimes,
be the pavement seemed to move. He stared concentrating especially on the yellow lines, the seemed to drag him into the street.
Richard put his foot out, and then stepped it onto the pavement. Suddenly, there was a loud sound, a honking sound. He quickly
turned to the left to see a bright light blind him. The world suddenly went black. Darker than the eyes of any human, Richard
lie on the ground, motionless. Was it the wrath of somebody? Could it possibly be someone hated him enough? Richard still
lied on the blacktop, wondering in his thoughts when he'd wake up.
CHAPTER 1 -The Beginning- It is the year 2291. Only one hundred years ago, a nuclear
war broke out between our World's Countries. The result was mass destruction and devistation prooving that the world cannot
act together in peace. The blast killed nearly 4 billion people in an instant, and the entire planet was left in ruin. No
buildings to work in. No houses to live in. No sidewalks to walk. No vehicles to ride on the streets anymore. Just snow from
the nuclear winter... Somethings have been going wrong. People have somehow gone missing with no place but a dream to be found.
Some localists of the Tirian village say the Tyrithian Forest has to do with it; as in the heart of this black forest lies
a ghost, a wanderer, no, a beast...
CHAPTER 2 -Sudden Stop, Sudden Visitor "Where in the world are we?" April questioned
herself. "I assume we're over in the Claga creeks, probably a few hour walk to the Coron Castle." I answered overhearing
her from the bow of the ship. "Or you can call us lost." I added smiling. April just smiled back and went back to studying
the map. The evening was cold, April and myself were wearing home-made bear-coats. They were warm, and it felt soothing
compared to bare breath coming out my nose. The forest seemed to go on forever, no way to tell our way back except the sun
setting in the east. Which would soon be gone. "Jake? Jacob!? I think we have a prob-" April yelled from the other side
of the boat, but suddenly something stopped the large vessel. I ran to the Captain's quarters hoping to get a good view of
what just happened. A large island was placed right in front of me, that I peeked on to see if maybe the map was re-written
causing us to hit something un-expected. Looking at the map, I instantly thought of April. Worried, I ran outside to look
out back. April lie motionless next to a crate. Blood follow from her head off the side of the boat. "April!" I screamed
worried. I ran down the wet stairs, abruptedly, I slipped only to feel the most aganizing pain I've ever felt, then blacking
out. I opened my eyes. Still drousy, I saw myself moving while looking up at the trees. Was I moving, or was my drousiness
getting to me? I rubbed my eyes while giving a slight moan. I lifted myself doing a sit up. But my eyes instantly viewed apon
someone or something dragging me along the snow-covered leaves. The thing was dressed in a black robe, and it's face hidden
in the darkness of it's hood. I had no idea if it had seen me or not, due to his still-hidden expression. My whole body was
still asleep, and I could barely move my mouth. The weight from the sit-up was unbarable enough. I found my eyelids getting
heavier again, and soon, the closed shut.
New song. People, don't do drugs.
I love what I see everyday I re-colobrocate My
insaness and madness
I call for help but nothing comes Why am I too late? Here comes, my insaness and madness...
feeling rushed and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do I am feeding the addiction I'm
feeling rushed and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do I am feeding the addiction
I die I pass away Where do I go? (repeat) I never understood why I'm late Is it because I faint When I feed the
[CHORUS] I'm feeling rushed and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do
I am feeding the addiction I'm feeling rushed and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do
I am feeding the addiction
See not hear until I am gone (too late) Don't re-colabrocate My insaness and madness I
may feel the power of... The sudden rush and all But when It's gone, I am to, late!
[CHORUS] I'm feeling rushed
and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do I am feeding the addiction I'm feeling rushed
and cold I think I've got the cold I don't want to know When I do I am feeding the addiction
My friend tried
drugs, and is not doing to well, this song is out to you Jonny. Drugs ruin lives. So stop doing them!
Cry Out Loud By: William Murphy I dedicated this to one of my best
friend's mom, who only has a month to live until she passes away to a better place...
The shock is torturing
me. It's impossible to breathe until she is set free. The weight is conquering me...
[CHORUS] She said, Please
let go I am bleeding out loud. Please let go so I can be found. Please oh please I am crying out loud.
sea is lifted apon me, The vessel may be low, but I still have room to bleed... Until she passes away with all of her
glory... While she floats to the top, It's a happy-story...
[CHORUS] She said, Please let go I am bleeding
out loud. Please let go so I can be found. Please oh please I am crying out loud. Don't let this be a horrible
ending, the book alway's finishes, But I am usually found.
The sea is lifted apon me, The vessel may be low,
but I still have room to bleed... Until she passes away with all of her glory... While she floats to the top, It's a
I love you Michele, your mother will float to the top, and will be a happy story. Friend forever
We Are by William Murphy
Long lasting photographs aren't
equally as important as you... Hope for the must, and dreaming of the way we all wish we could be...
[CHORUS] Because
we are more than everything We are more than everything We are, we are We are, we are more than anything we are
more than anything we are, we are...
Looking at myself in the mirror is back to my nightmare all over again... But
maybe there's a light beyond that door and ALL it takes is a light little push... If you push beyond the limits, things
could change even your lies...
Because we are more than everything We are more than everything We are, we are We
are, we are more than anything we are more than anything we are, we are...
[silent CHORUS] We are more than
anything, all it takes is everything you are, you are... [loud CHORUS] We are, we are We are, we are more than
anything we are more than anything we are, we are...
CRYING IN MY SLEEP by William Murphy
Sometimes I don't know where to go... Oh
oh oh oh oh... Sometimes bad things can make it better, especially in your sleep
[CHORUS](x2) Finding my way
through my dreams (oh) Crying in my sleep (oh) Telling my way to home (oh) But no path to go... (go!...)
me how to sleep brings me to a peep not a voice in my home Because I am not there...
(x2)Finding my way through
my dreams (oh) Crying in my sleep (oh) Telling my way to home (oh) But no path to go... (go...)
But there's
always hope, for me. Hope, for me. Hope, for me Hope for me Hope, for, me...
Finding my way through my
dreams (oh) Crying in my sleep (oh) Telling my way to home (oh) But no path to go... (go...)
Time to sleep All
day and all night Sing and fight the tears that dried on the long path home.
This site is (c) Katie Palmer 2004. All work found on the Member Work pages
are copyright to their owners. You may not copy or use any part of their work without their permission.